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Type alias: CreateSectionHookPayload

Ƭ CreateSectionHookPayload: Object


The sectionData retrieved by the hook differs from the one retrieved by findPage and findElement, as references won't be resolved. Therefore, the references to e.g. images and datasets must be resolved manually. The best option is to use findPage and findElement to fetch the updated data after the hook is fired, as in that case references will already be resolved on the server.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
identifier string Identifier of the section.
pageId string Preview ID of page in FirstSpirit.
sectionData any The data of the created section.
siblingPreviewId? string If it is not the first section in the slot, the sibling of the newly created section.
slotName string Name of slot where the section should be created into as defined in the FirstSpirit template.

Last update: October 16, 2024